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Copyright © 2020 Strategistics Pty Ltd - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Good policy is more than just looking after the citizen's needs; its about interpreting future trends, understanding consequences and managing issues in order to create a better society.

The role of government is to serve the people. In today's world, citizens are increasingly expecting increased responsiveness, easy of accessibility and well run public sector organisations.


The team at Strategistics has a wealth of knowledge and experience in partnering with government and public sector organisations to develop effective policy; design, develop, procure and run contracted out service delivery; and improve the structure and function of public sector organisations. We have extensive experience in partnering with governments for policy reform and development at a national level (Australia, UK, Korea, Japan, France, Sweden, Spain and Saudi Arabia) and global level (EU, OECD, WAPES/ILO) on areas including labour market reforms, welfare to work, workers insurance reforms, public-private partnerships and prime contracting. For government and public sector organisations, Strategistics can assist in a range of areas:

  1. Policy - Policy design and development, including community engagement. Particular focus on addressing emerging trends and best international practice and approaches;
  2. Contracting & Procurement - Expertise on experience in design, implementing and managing outsourced social services contracts with direct experience in models from Australia, France, Germany, Korea, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the UK. Strategistics also has knowledge of emerging best practice from other markets including Canada, the US and New Zealand;
  3. Operations - Increasing efficiency in public sector delivery through reviewing organisational design, re-engineering processes and practices and adopting technology to aid delivery; and
  4. Strategy - Strategic and Business Planning for public sector organisations and public sector department and unit strategy.

privatisation& effective contracting 

The global COVID-19 pandemic has placed governments under pressure like never before as they grapple with the health, social and economic implications of the crisis which will likely impact their citizens and their policy decisions in coming years and even up to a decade. A Government's primary responsibility is to ensure the safety and security of their citizens - however, the pandemic has complicated the ways in which government's need to act in order to achieve these goals by putting pressure on government fiscal positions, require decisive actions to stimulate the economy whilst ensuring the overall health and well-being of citizens. The team at Strategistics has had extensive experience with policy design, improving service delivery by the public sector and the effective public-private partnerships to ensure effective and cost efficient delivery government services.

Partnering with NFPs and private sector organisations can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of public service delivery. Success often lies in contract design, procurement and management


Strategistics Pty Ltd

ABN 48 607 929 751


Phone: +61 419 740 981

Policy Design & development

how can we help you

public sector reform and structures

Leveraging Synergies