Leveraging Synergies
Over the past 5 years, the Human Services Sector has undergone considerable change. Governments have started to move away from block funding arrangements towards ‘fee-for-service’ or ‘outcome based’ funding models and the introduction of new models including Prime Contracting and Social Impact Bonds. In Australia, changes such as the upcoming introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Consumer Directed Care and National Quality Accreditation for the childcare industry are resulting in a once in a generation changes to the sector.
The explosion in the use of technology and new teaching methods have significantly changed the face of education. Never before have students had access to so many options, and this combined with global competition are placing increasing pressure on Educators and Administrators. Understanding these trends; developing strengths and focus areas; and continuously improving results are the key to attracting students and sustaining viability;
In the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis, governments' fiscal positions continue to be relatively weak, yet many governments continue to be under pressure from citizens expecting better services, lower taxation and improved efficiency. The key to maintaining robust public sector organisations and good government lies in the use of strategic partnering for delivery; the creating of synergies through shared service functions across departments and embracing new forms of accessibility and engagement with citizens.
In the retail sector of the 21st century, the pressure to innovate, provide better channels and have unique offerings is ever present. Competition is no longer just those in your local area, but can come from anyone around the world and a season can now be as short as 6 weeks. In terms of hospitality, particularly quick service and casual dining restaurants, the focus is on improving footprint, lifting same store sales and finding new ways to engage customers at different times of the day.
Globally more people are travelling to more destinations than ever before and with this change, potential guests desires and preferences are evolving - no longer do they want a mass experience, rather a personalised offering. Consolidation of booking channels combined with the rise of a number of new entrants and the emergence of strong peer-to-peer alternatives such as Air BnB, means that operators need to stay abreast of evolving sources; ensure that they understand their customers and are well positioned in the channels they are using; and are continually developing new offerings, packages and partnerships.
Before the turn of the 19th century and the advent of the production line, most businesses were small, with bespoke offerings and locally focused outlook. They understood their customers; were profitable - producing and stocking only what could be sold; and were vital members of their community. As the world turns its back on mass production, the trend back towards innovation, small business and micro-production has been reignited. Enabled by technology and increasingly funded by new sources of finance including micro-finance and crowd sourcing, today's small businesses and start-ups again represent the new horizon of business.
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The team at Strategistics have a wealth of experience working across a wide range of industries from Human Services to Retail & Hospitality and Government. Whilst overall prevailing business conditions impact on all businesses, each industry has its own set of opportunities, challenges and risks. With this in mind, Strategistics has developed a range of industry specific solutions targeted at addressing and taking advantage of the key changes in the dynamics of each industry. Specific solutions have also been developed specifically for Small Business and new Ventures or Start-Ups.
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Email: strategisticsaus@gmail.com
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