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Strategistics Pty Ltd
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Phone: +61 419 740 981
Currently over 50 services are being delivered by organisations across the 14 clusters. It is important to determine how existing delivery fits to the new framework and what considerations need to be made in order to deliver new services for NDIS
Engaging with and attracting participants to will be a key challenge under the NDIS for many providers. Developing an effective and integrated marketing, communication and partnership strategies is of vital importance for the scheme
Pricing under the NDIS is moving away from traditional bloc and grant funding towards Activity Based pricing. Whilst the maximum price for each service has been set under the NDIS, key considerations must be made when pricing services under the framework
The National Disability Insurance Scheme is now reaching its full roll-out with almost 400,000 Australian's with a disability now enrolled in the scheme. The NDIS represents the biggest change to many disability service providers in a generation. Funding is being transitioned from the traditional bloc or grant based arrangements overseen at a local or State level towards activity based funding managed by the National Disability Insurance Agency at a national level. For participants, the NDIS represents an opportunity for them to have more control over the planning and delivery of the services that best suits their individual needs and requirements, as well as the opportunity to control the use of the funds associated with their plan (either directly or in partnership with providers or the NDIA).
Under the current structure of the NDIS, providers will deliver services to participants across 3 support areas (Core, Capacity Building and Capital) and in 14 specific clusters:
NDIS delivery in Queensland is somewhat behind the other states and territories due to the fact that the former state government did not want to participate in a trial. At the start of 2016, early transition has commenced for an estimated 1,600 participants in Townsville, Charters Towers and Palm Island. Whilst the full roll-out of the NDIS in Queensland is currently still expected to commence on 1 July 2016, a bi-lateral agreement is yet to be finalised between the Federal and Queensland State Governments.For both for profit and not-for-profit operating in the Queensland disability services sector or those organisations considering whether they will deliver services under the NDIS when it becomes operational, there a number of key considerations that organisation's leaders, employees and members should be considering in preparation for the implementation of the scheme:
The team at Strategistics has a wealth of knowledge and experience working with a range of companies across the Human Services Industry. To date, we have been engaged by a number of providers to assist them to assess the NDIS market, determine what services they should consider offering to participants and to prepare for delivery under the scheme. Drawing on this experience, we can assist you with:
Leveraging Synergies