Leveraging Synergies

Strategistics Pty Ltd

ABN 48 607 929 751

Email:  strategisticsaus@gmail.com

Mobil:  +61 419 740 981

Company info


Executive Director and Principal Consultant

Darren Thomas is the Executive Director and Principal Consultant of Strategistics, a business he founded in August 2015. ​Darren is a highly skilled and experienced business strategy, planning and performance senior executive with over 20 years’ experience in both national and global level roles. ​Darren's career to date has spanned a wide range of industries including financial services, insurance , welfare to work, HR services, higher education, retail  food (casual dining and quick service restaurants), international business and management consulting to clients in the government, aviation and defence sectors. 

The team at Strategistics has many years of experience working in senior leadership positions across a range of industries. We also partner with other industry specialists and leaders in order to offer you the best possible advice, insights and recommendations.

​Darren has held a number of senior roles with a range of well-known Australian companies including being the National Manager - Corporate Strategy for Allianz Partners the world's leading specialist insurer and assistance company; Strategy and Planning Manager for Collins Foods Group (largest KFC Franchisee in Australia and parent company of Sizzler restaurants); Senior Strategy Manager for Ingeus Limited, a leading global human services company with operations across 10 countries including being the largest provider of welfare to work services in the UK, France, Korea, and Saudi Arabia and working as a consultant for Accenture the world's largest consulting company. Darren has previously been invited to guest lecture at the Queensland University of Technology on areas including Business Strategy and Strategic Marketing. 


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